No, carbon dioxide capture is safe and well-regulated. It has been occurring in the United Status for decades.
Solid DAC requires minimal water usage. Water will be sourced in the most efficient way possible specific to each project site.
National expert sound engineers for our projects report sound levels consistent with quiet rural areas.
Yes, pilot facilities are currently operating and a number of large scale commercial projects have commenced.
Yes, all projects will be equipped with state of the art automated systems to shut down the plant immediately in the unlikely event of a leak. In addition, the onsite storage deep underground protects against any potential impact on drinking water. Retract will acquire all necessary permits from the EPA and other authorities prior to construction.
No, thanks to the geology in the formations we work in, there is no risk of earthquakes. Periodic seismic surveys will be
a part of all projects.
Each facility will create roughly 150 construction jobs and 20 – 40 permanent jobs when completed. The facilities will also contribute millions in property taxes and sales tax over their lifespan.
Reach us at info@retract.com